modSTORAGE | Motorcycle Storage

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Motorcycle Storage 101

The allure of the open road, the sense of freedom, and the thrill of the ride are intrinsic to the motorcycle experience. Yet, there comes a time when every rider must consider storing their motorcycle, whether due to seasonal weather changes, travel, or simply a lack of riding opportunity. Proper motorcycle storage is not merely a practical necessity; it is a crucial aspect of motorcycle care that ensures your bike remains in excellent condition, safeguarding its performance, longevity, and value.

Why Motorcycle Storage Matters

Motorcycles, more so than many other vehicles, are susceptible to damage from the elements, disuse, or improper storage practices. Moisture can lead to rust, batteries may discharge, and fluids can degrade, each contributing to potential long-term harm. Effective motorcycle storage, therefore, involves more than just parking your bike and covering it; it requires thoughtful preparation and attention to detail, addressing the unique needs of your motorcycle to protect it during periods of inactivity.

Navigating the Storage Preparation Process

Preparing your motorcycle for storage is a comprehensive task that encompasses a wide range of activities, from cleaning and mechanical maintenance to choosing the right location and conditions for storage. This preparation is pivotal in preventing common issues such as battery drain, tire degradation, and the buildup of condensation in the fuel system, which can lead to engine problems.

Choosing the Right Storage Solution

The choice between indoor and outdoor storage, climate-controlled environments, and security considerations plays a significant role in the storage decision-making process. Each option offers its benefits and potential drawbacks, influenced by factors such as your geographical location, the duration of storage, and specific concerns like theft or environmental damage.

Legal and Insurance Considerations

Understanding the legalities of storage contracts and navigating insurance coverage during the storage period are also vital. These considerations ensure your motorcycle is not only physically protected but also covered against potential financial loss or liability issues that could arise.

Emerging from Storage

When the time comes to bring your motorcycle out of storage and back onto the road, a careful approach is necessary to ensure it is as ready for the ride as you are. This includes checking its mechanical condition, ensuring all systems are operational, and addressing any maintenance needs that may have emerged during its stationary period.


Motorcycle storage, when done correctly, preserves the essence of what makes riding so rewarding. It's about more than protecting a financial investment; it's about ensuring that every time you start the engine, your motorcycle is as prepared for the journey as you are. Through careful preparation, the right storage solutions, and ongoing care, your motorcycle can remain a faithful companion on the road, ready to embark on new adventures at a moment's notice. This guide aims to equip you with the knowledge and insights needed for effective motorcycle storage, covering every necessary topic in detail to ensure your bike stays in peak condition, no matter how long it rests between rides.See our Blog post for tips on protecting your ride. 

Reasons for Motorcycle Storage

Understanding why motorcycle storage is crucial can help owners make informed decisions to protect their beloved machines effectively. Here are some of the primary reasons motorcycle owners might need to store their bikes and the implications of each scenario.

Seasonal Weather Changes

  • Winter: In colder climates, the winter months can be particularly harsh on motorcycles left exposed. Snow, ice, and road salt can lead to corrosion and other weather-related damage. Storage protects the bike from the elements and preserves its condition.
  • Summer: In very hot climates, excessive heat and sun exposure can fade paint, crack or damage seats, and degrade tires. Proper storage can prevent these issues.

Long-term Travel or Deployment

  • Motorcycle owners might face situations like long-term travel, work assignments, or military deployment, requiring extended periods away from home. Storing the motorcycle ensures it's secure and maintained during their absence.

Space Constraints

  • Urban living or limited garage space can make it challenging to keep a motorcycle at home. Storage solutions can provide a secure alternative to leaving the bike exposed to potential theft or vandalism.

Maintenance and Upkeep

  • Some owners opt for professional storage services that offer maintenance packages, ensuring the motorcycle remains in top condition, even when not in use regularly.

Protective Care for Vintage or High-value Bikes

  • Collectors or owners of vintage, custom, or high-value motorcycles may use storage solutions to protect their investments from environmental factors that could diminish their value or condition.


The decision to store a motorcycle often stems from the desire to protect and preserve the bike’s functionality, appearance, and value. Whether motivated by environmental challenges, logistical considerations, or the need for enhanced security, understanding these reasons helps owners choose the right storage solutions. Acknowledging the specific needs based on these factors ensures that each motorcycle receives the care and protection it deserves, ready for the roads and adventures that lie ahead.

safe, secured, protected self-storage for motorcycles and bikes
Protecting your motorcycle from moisture, rust and corrosion. Add to that the security and convenience of modSTORAGE and it's a no-brainer.

Preparing Your Motorcycle for Storage

Proper preparation is key to ensuring your motorcycle remains in optimal condition during its time in storage. Whether you’re tucking your bike away for the winter or for an extended period due to travel or space constraints, the steps you take before storage can significantly impact your motorcycle's state when you’re ready to ride again. Here’s how to prepare your motorcycle for storage with attention to detail and preservation in mind.

Clean Your Motorcycle Thoroughly

  • Exterior Cleaning: Wash your motorcycle to remove any dirt, grime, and contaminants. A clean bike in storage is less likely to suffer from corrosion or paint damage. Apply a coat of wax for added protection.
  • Interior and Mechanical Cleaning: Ensure that the chain is cleaned, lubricated, and adjusted. For air filters and other internal areas susceptible to dirt accumulation, a thorough clean is also advisable.

Fuel System Maintenance

  • Fill the tank with fuel and add a fuel stabilizer to prevent the fuel from deteriorating and to protect against moisture. Run the engine for a few minutes to circulate the stabilizer through the system.

Change the Oil and Filter

  • Old oil can contain contaminants that might cause internal damage over time. Changing the oil and filter before storage ensures that your engine is protected.

Battery Care

  • For short-term storage, you might opt to leave the battery in the motorcycle but disconnect it. For longer storage periods, consider removing the battery and keeping it on a trickle charger or battery tender to maintain its charge without overcharging.

Protect Against Pests

  • Plug any openings, such as the exhaust pipe, to prevent rodents or insects from making a home in your motorcycle. You can use steel wool or specially designed exhaust plugs.

Tire Pressure and Positioning

  • Inflate your tires to the recommended pressure to prevent flat spots. For very long storage periods, consider elevating the motorcycle off the ground using stands to relieve pressure on the tires and suspension.

Fluid Levels

  • Check and top off all fluid levels to help prevent internal corrosion. This includes brake fluid, coolant (for liquid-cooled engines), and hydraulic clutch fluid if applicable.

Cover Your Motorcycle

  • Even if storing indoors, use a breathable motorcycle cover to protect against dust and moisture. Ensure the cover fits well to prevent areas of moisture accumulation.


The preparation phase is crucial in motorcycle storage, as it sets the foundation for how well your bike endures the period of inactivity. Each step, from cleaning to mechanical preparation, is designed to prevent common storage-related issues such as corrosion, battery discharge, and tire damage. By meticulously preparing your motorcycle for storage, you ensure that when the time comes to bring it back to life, it will be as ready for the road as you are, minimizing the need for extensive maintenance or repairs.

Choosing the Right Storage Solution for Your Motorcycle

Finding the perfect spot to store your motorcycle is about balancing protection, cost, and convenience. The right storage solution keeps your bike safe from the elements and potential security threats while fitting into your budget and lifestyle. Let’s explore the options available and the factors to consider in making this crucial decision.

Legal & Insurance Considerations for Motorcycle Storage

When it comes to storing your motorcycle, addressing legal and insurance aspects is as crucial as the physical preparations. These considerations ensure your bike is not just physically protected but also secured against potential legal issues or financial losses. Here's what you need to know about the legal and insurance implications of motorcycle storage.

Reviewing Storage Contracts

  • If you’re renting a storage space, thoroughly review the contract. Pay attention to liability clauses, which outline who is responsible if your motorcycle is damaged or stolen while in storage. Also, look for terms regarding access, payment, and termination of the contract to avoid any surprises.

Insurance Coverage Adjustments

  • Contact your insurance provider to discuss your motorcycle's storage and whether any adjustments to your policy are necessary. Some insurers offer reduced premiums for motorcycles in storage since they're not being ridden, but it's vital to ensure you're still covered for theft, fire, and other potential risks.
  • Ensure you understand what your policy covers and whether supplemental insurance from the storage facility or another provider is recommended or required.

Local Laws and Regulations

  • Be aware of any local zoning laws or homeowners' association (HOA) rules that may impact your ability to store your motorcycle at home. Some areas may have restrictions on outdoor storage, or specific requirements for structures like storage sheds.
  • Compliance with local regulations is essential to avoid fines or being required to remove your motorcycle from storage.

Security Precautions

  • Even if your motorcycle is stored in a secure facility, taking additional security precautions can be beneficial. Use disc locks, chain locks, or a motorcycle alarm system to deter theft. Such precautions may also positively impact your insurance premiums or claims.

Documenting the Motorcycle’s Condition

  • Before placing your motorcycle into storage, document its condition with photos or videos. This documentation can be crucial if you need to file an insurance claim for damage that occurs during storage.


The legal and insurance aspects of motorcycle storage are integral to ensuring comprehensive protection for your bike. By carefully reviewing storage contracts, adjusting your insurance coverage as necessary, and adhering to local regulations, you can mitigate risks and enjoy peace of mind while your motorcycle is stored. Remember, the goal of storage is not just to protect your motorcycle from physical damage but also to shield yourself from potential legal and financial headaches. With the right preparations and awareness, you can ensure that your motorcycle storage arrangements are secure, lawful, and tailored to your needs.

Maintenance During Motorcycle Storage

Keeping your motorcycle in great shape during storage is crucial for ensuring it's ready to ride when you are. Maintenance during storage involves regular checks and specific care practices to prevent any long-term damage to your bike. Here's a breakdown of the essential maintenance tasks to keep your motorcycle in top condition while it's stored.

Regular Checks:

  • Periodically inspect your motorcycle for signs of rust, corrosion, or any pest intrusion. Even in a controlled storage environment, issues can arise that may need your attention.
  • If possible, visit your motorcycle regularly to perform a visual inspection and check if the cover needs adjusting or if any leaks have developed.

Battery Care:

  • A battery tender or trickle charger is essential for keeping your motorcycle’s battery charged without overcharging it. This is crucial for battery health, especially for modern motorcycles with electronic systems that can drain the battery even when not in use.
  • For long-term storage, consider removing the battery and storing it in a cool, dry place, still hooked up to a trickle charger.

Fuel System:

  • Filling your tank and adding a fuel stabilizer before storage can prevent rust inside the tank and ensure the fuel doesn’t degrade. After adding stabilizer, run the engine for a few minutes to circulate the mixture throughout the fuel system.
  • For carbureted motorcycles, consider draining the carburetor to prevent gumming and clogging.

Tire Care:

  • Inflate your tires to the recommended pressure to avoid flat spots from forming during storage. For long-term storage, consider elevating the motorcycle to relieve pressure on the tires and suspension.
  • Inspect tires before storage for any signs of wear or damage and address as needed.


  • Apply a light coat of lubricant to any moving parts, such as the chain, controls, and cables, to prevent rust and ensure smooth operation when you take the motorcycle out of storage.
  • Check and lubricate seals and rubber components to prevent drying and cracking.

Pest Prevention:

  • Securely cover any openings, like the exhaust pipe and air intakes, to deter rodents and insects from nesting inside your motorcycle.
  • Using natural deterrents around the storage area can also help keep pests at bay.


Proactive maintenance during motorcycle storage is vital for protecting your investment and ensuring your bike remains in prime condition for the next riding season. By addressing the battery, fuel system, tires, and potential pest issues, you safeguard your motorcycle against common storage-related problems. Regular checks and maintenance not only preserve your motorcycle’s functionality and appearance but also contribute to a smoother transition back to active use. With careful attention to these storage maintenance practices, you’ll be ready to hit the road with minimal fuss when adventure calls.

Retrieving Your Motorcycle
from Seasonal Self-Storage

The moment has arrived to bring your motorcycle out of storage and back onto the open road. This exciting transition requires careful steps to ensure your bike is as ready for adventure as you are. Properly reactivating your motorcycle involves a series of inspections and actions to guarantee its safety, performance, and reliability. Here’s how to approach this process effectively.

Initial Inspection and Cleaning

  • Visual Inspection: Begin with a thorough visual check for any signs of rust, corrosion, or damage. Look for evidence of pest activity or any issues that may have arisen during storage.
  • Cleaning: Dust off and clean your motorcycle thoroughly. Even under covers, motorcycles can accumulate dust and need a fresh clean to sparkle again.

Battery Reinstallation and Check

  • If you removed the battery, reinstall it ensuring all connections are secure and clean. If it was left in the motorcycle on a trickle charger, check its charge level and overall health before starting the bike.

Fluids Check and Replacement

  • Check all fluid levels, including oil, coolant (for liquid-cooled engines), brake fluid, and hydraulic clutch fluid, topping up as necessary. If you didn't change the oil before storage, do so now.
  • Inspect the fuel condition. If you used a stabilizer and the storage period wasn’t overly long, the existing fuel might still be usable. However, be wary of any signs of degradation.

Tire Inspection

  • Check tire pressure and inflate the tires to the recommended levels if necessary. Inspect the tires for any signs of damage or wear and consider replacing them if you find any issues.

Control and Cable Check

  • Lubricate and check all cables and controls to ensure they are functioning smoothly. This includes the clutch, brakes, and throttle.

Brake System Check

  • Inspect the brake pads for wear and check the brake fluid levels. Test the brakes for responsiveness and listen for any unusual noises that might indicate a problem.

Lighting and Electrical Systems

  • Test all lights, indicators, and electrical systems to ensure they are working correctly. This includes headlamps, brake lights, turn signals, and the dashboard.

Engine and Exhaust System

  • Check the exhaust system for any blockages, especially if you used plugs to prevent pests from entering. Start the engine and listen for any unusual sounds. Let the motorcycle warm up and check for any leaks or issues.

Test Ride

  • Before embarking on a long journey, take your motorcycle for a short test ride to ensure everything is working as expected. Pay attention to the bike's handling, braking, and acceleration.


Retrieving your motorcycle from storage and preparing it for the road is a process that demands attention to detail. By methodically inspecting and preparing your bike, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable return to riding. This phase not only marks the beginning of new adventures but also a continuation of your commitment to maintaining your motorcycle in top condition. With your bike ready, the road awaits, promising the freedom and joy that only motorcycle riding can bring.

Ongoing Maintenance
After Motorcycle Storage

Reintroducing your motorcycle to regular use after a period of storage is just the beginning. To keep your bike in peak condition and ensure its longevity and reliability, adopting an ongoing maintenance routine is crucial. This routine encompasses various aspects of motorcycle care, from regular inspections to addressing any emerging issues promptly. Here's a comprehensive guide to maintaining your motorcycle post-storage, ensuring it remains road-ready and performs at its best.

Regular Engine Checks and Maintenance

  • Engine Health: Regularly monitor the engine's performance, including idle smoothness, acceleration, and any unusual noises. Follow the manufacturer's guidelines for oil changes and servicing to keep the engine running smoothly.
  • Fluid Levels: Keep an eye on oil, coolant (for liquid-cooled engines), brake fluid, and fuel levels. Replace fluids according to the recommended schedule or if you notice any degradation in quality.

Tire Care and Maintenance

  • Pressure Checks: Regularly check tire pressure and adjust according to your motorcycle's specifications and your riding style. Proper inflation is essential for safe handling, fuel efficiency, and preventing premature tire wear.
  • Inspection for Wear: Routinely inspect tires for tread depth, wear patterns, and any signs of damage. Replace tires when they reach the wear limit or if you find any issues that could compromise safety.

Battery Maintenance

  • Regular Charging: If not riding daily, consider using a trickle charger to keep the battery at optimal charge levels without overcharging.
  • Visual Inspection: Check the battery terminals for corrosion and ensure they're tight and clean for the best electrical connection.

Chain or Belt Inspection and Adjustment

  • Lubrication: Regularly lubricate the chain to prevent rust and ensure smooth operation. Check the tension and adjust as needed to avoid excessive wear on the drivetrain.
  • Belt Inspection: If your motorcycle uses a belt drive, inspect it for cracks, fraying, and correct tension.

Brake System Maintenance

  • Brake Pads: Check the thickness of your brake pads and replace them if they're worn down to the minimum limit.
  • Fluid Replacement: Brake fluid should be replaced at intervals recommended by the manufacturer to maintain braking efficiency and safety.

Cleaning and Protective Measures

  • Regular Cleaning: A clean motorcycle not only looks great but is also an opportunity to inspect the bike closely for any issues. Use appropriate cleaners to protect your bike’s finish.
  • Rust Protection: Apply protective sprays or coatings to metal parts prone to rust, especially if you frequently ride in wet conditions.

Scheduled Servicing

  • Adhere to your motorcycle’s servicing schedule for comprehensive checks, adjustments, and replacements of key components. Professional servicing can catch issues that may be difficult to detect during regular maintenance.


Ongoing maintenance after retrieving your motorcycle from storage is essential for ensuring its safety, reliability, and performance on the road. By incorporating regular checks and upkeep into your routine, you can enjoy the ride with confidence, knowing your motorcycle is in top condition. Remember, consistent care not only enhances your riding experience but also preserves the value and longevity of your motorcycle, allowing you to pursue endless adventures on the open road.

Motorcycle Storage FAQ

The Road to Responsible Motorcycle Self-Storage

Embarking on the journey of motorcycle storage is an integral part of the ownership experience, reflecting a commitment to preserving the essence and integrity of your cherished ride. Through this detailed exploration, we've navigated the multifaceted aspects of motorcycle storage, from the initial considerations of preparation and choosing the right storage solution to the nuanced approaches required for legal and insurance considerations, as well as ongoing maintenance.

A Testament to Care and Preservation

Motorcycle storage, when executed correctly, is more than a mere seasonal or situational necessity—it's a testament to the care and preservation of a vehicle that offers not just transportation, but freedom, adventure, and joy. The comprehensive steps outlined in this guide, from thorough cleaning and maintenance to choosing a secure and suitable storage environment, serve to protect your motorcycle from the ravages of time, weather, and neglect.

Navigating the Storage Landscape

Choosing the appropriate storage solution—be it indoor or outdoor, specialized facilities, or home storage—requires careful consideration of your motorcycle's specific needs, your geographic location, and your personal circumstances. This decision, influenced by factors such as security, cost, and accessibility, is pivotal in ensuring your motorcycle's safety and readiness for future rides.

Legal and Insurance Vigilance

The exploration of legal and insurance aspects underscores the importance of proactive measures and due diligence in motorcycle storage. These considerations are crucial not only for the physical protection of your motorcycle but also for safeguarding against potential legal and financial pitfalls that could arise during the storage period.

Maintenance: A Cycle of Care

The cycle of maintenance during and after storage is a demonstration of ongoing commitment to your motorcycle's performance and condition. This regular care ensures that your motorcycle not only survives periods of storage but thrives, maintaining its condition and value over time.

Conclusion: The Essence of Motorcycle Storage

Effective motorcycle storage is about embracing a holistic approach to care, considering every aspect from preparation to reactivation. It's about ensuring that every time you're ready to ride, your motorcycle is too, in perfect harmony with the spirit of adventure that defines the riding experience. This guide aims to equip you with the knowledge and insights necessary for effective motorcycle storage, covering every necessary topic in detail to ensure your bike stays in peak condition, ready for the adventures that lie ahead.

With your motorcycle well-preserved, the open road awaits, promising endless possibilities and the continued joy of riding, unimpeded by concerns over storage and maintenance.